About Us

Organo Gold Gourmet Coffee is inexpensive and by infusing gourmet coffee and an ever expanding product line with the power of the Ganoderma Lucidum herb, Organo Gold has scientifically developed a healthy alternative to regular coffee that not only tastes great, but makes people feel great.


Unlike a lot of testimonials, I have been a coffee drinker since I was about 22 years of age.  However, I have always been very skeptical about what I put in my mouth and what people were trying to sell me.  My little sister and her husband started their own business in Organo Gold and invited me to a Jazz Mixer and after listening through the Jazz Mixer, I was almost convinced that this would be beneficial to try.  Well, while at the Mixer, I tried the black coffee and quite honestly, this was the best coffee I had ever tasted.  It was smooth going down and the taste was superior, like gourmet coffee.  If you've ever tasted store bought coffee before, after trying Organo Gold, you will never want store bought coffee again.  But here's the kick that pushed me to represent this coffee;  about three weeks after the Jazz Mixer, I caught the worst cold I had in ages and I could feel the cold in my chest and it just wasn't breaking up.  My little sister and her husband invited my husband and I over for dinner and we ended up spending the night. 

 That night before bed she and I sat and had a cup of Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee and we turned in for the night.  The next morning I got up and had a second cup of Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee.  By the same day around noon, I could feel the cold breaking up in my chest and in a total of 3 days, the cold was completely gone with no traces that I even had a cold.  Even that stubborn cough that I had was completely gone.  I knew by that third day that I had to represent this company.  This was the most awesome thing that I had run into.  Normally, when I get a cold, I suffer with it about a week and half.  Three days was amazing to me and now I know what Ganoderma Lucidum can do, I want to do the same for you.  Google your ailment with Ganoderma Lucidum and see what the benefits are with your ailment!

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